Wednesday, May 7, 2014

John Foster
Mrs. Anthony
ENG. 101-113
May 7, 2014
“The Topic of the Cigarette Ban”
I am passionate about the topic of the cigarette ban, should cigarettes be banned? I think not because people would find a way to get them anyway, even if it meant manufacturing them on their own. People would do whatever it took to get their cigarettes, just like people in the times of prohibition, got their alcohol when it was made illegal. People should have the freedom of choice, after all America was founded on the principle of freedom for all, but the other side wants to argue that it is bad for our health if that were true then, why have so many people lived past one hundred that are smokers? I found this news from the internet, that in China, Zhang Shuqing turned 100 on May, 7 and in Milan 646 people are all a hundred or better. (Forces The Evidence World's Oldest--All Smokers). Of course this article has many small articles in it, but they all say the same thing and that is all the oldest people, to take note of are all smokers. Now I am not by any means telling anyone to pick up smoking, after all I just said that smoking is a matter of choice, and people should not be aloud to take that freedom away from those who smoke. In short do not let anyone ban cigarettes. 

    The United States Constitution reads as follows. We the People  of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.  (form.)

     Politician  are taking our freedom away one law at a time. People should be free to do whatever they want to do as long as it does not hurt anyone. On the other side you have those who say that smoking is the leading cause of cancer, bronchitis, asthma, C.O.P, and emphysema. This report from the internet is just one example of what researchers say.
    Stopping smoking can reduce your risk lung cancer. A large number of studies have shown that stopping smoking can greatly reduce the risk of smoking-related cancers. 2 And the earlier you stop the better. The last results from the Doctors’ Studies  show that stopping smoking at 50 halved the excess risk of cancer overall, while stopping at 30 avoided almost all of it. 11

However, it’s never too late to quit. One study found that even people who quit in their sixties can experience health benefits and gain valuable years of life. 31

The effects of stopping vary depending on the cancer. For example, ten years after stopping, a person’s risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker. 32 And the increased oral and laryngeal cancer risks practically disappear within ten years of stopping. 2 But the risks of bladder cancer are still higher than normal 20 years after stopping. 21 (Tobacco, smoking and cancer: the evidence)

                  This article was comprised of several smaller articles all telling how bad smoking is and how all smokers should quit. Although as a smoker who is trying to quit I believe, it still all boils down our freedom of choice, we all have it, and we should enjoy it while, we still have it. What I am saying is that let those who want to smoke, smoke, and those who do not need to leave them alone.  

Works Cited

Forces The Evidence World's Oldest--All Smokers. n.d. 18 october 2013. <>.
form., The following text is a transcription of the Constitution in its original. The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription. n.d. 22 october 2013. <>.
Head, tom. h. n.d. <>.
Head, Tom. Should Cigsrettes Be Banned. n.d. 13 september 2013. <>.
Singer, Peter. Should We Ban Cigarettes. 11 November 2011. 13 september 2013. <>.
—. Should We Ban Cigarettes. 11 November 2011. 13 September 2013. <>.
Tobacco, smoking and cancer: the evidence. n.d. 22 october 2013. <>.

                                                                                                                                       Foster page 1

John Foster

Mrs. Anthony

Eng. 101-113

May 7, 2014

                                                     "Thing I am Passionate about"

Video Games




The Talk About the Cigarette Ban




zippo lighters

Some Day Getting Married

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My essay about institutions was not meant to scare anyone just to just to let them know how I felt and way I was in an institution. I am sorry if my essay offended anyone or made them unease. That was not my intent I just wanted the sane to see what it was like on the other side no more no less.

                             Thank you
                                     John Foster

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

John Foster
Mrs. Anthony
Eng. 101-113
April 12, 2014

                                                        "What is an Institution?"
            Going in the smell of alcohol woof over the senses, and as one looks around they see white walls and sometimes gray or white floors. There are gray racks ware the white linen is stored. To find what a Mental Institution is we must take a look on the inside. First off there are nurses, orderlies, than there are the doctors. The rooms are about 12 by 12 and two to a room. There is a large common room, and several conference rooms. So what is a Mental Institution?
A Mental Institution is a place for those who are Mentally Ill to get help to get better.
 There are also Institutions for the criminally insane. These places are there to keep the mentally
 ill medicated. Most all mentally ill people need to stay on these medications for the rest of their
 lives. These places also deal with electro-shock treatments. Some patients need to be
restrained either by leather restraints or by strait jackets or even restrained chemically. There
are some who even need to be put in a padded room.
Being mental ill I have been in and out of these places a lot and I can tell you they are on
fun. They serve bad food, some of the people smell because they do not know what a shower is,
and they soil themselves. Even so I have never experienced electro-shock treatment but I know
people who have. All I know about electro-shock therapy is that they hock your head up to
 electrodes much the same way as they do for an ECT scan. Electro-shock therapy seem a little
barbaric to me I am glad it is getting used less with the invention of new and better medications.
medication and psycho analysis are the wave of the future. I just went and saw my psych Doc. 
and he changed my meds so that hopefully I can concentrate better on what I am doing and not 
the voices. The voices are so bad at times I just want to give in to them and start killing everyone
I see but somehow I am able to keep it together. I does bring me to tires though. I cannot stand
the voices sometimes I even want to kill myself. For these reasons I have in and out of
institutions and hospitals since I was nine.
            In closing I would just like to say that institutions are good place for the mentally
Ill like myself to get away for the rest of the world, and have time, and medication to recover
from the stress of life.             
April 9, 2014

       First entry I would like to quit smoking. My plan in to cut back one to two cigarettes a day or so if I can

cut back a little each day or two I should be able to quit in 32 days.

April 10, 2014

         I cut my smoking  down to a half a pack form a pack and a half I think I am doing real good.

April 11, 2014

          I am still on track I only smoked 8 cigarettes and I fill really good about that. At this rate I will quit

 before the 32 days and will just be giving reports on how I am doing.

April 12, 2014

            I have only smoked 8 cigarettes today like yesterday still doing good I think anyway.

April 13, 2014

              I only smoked 6 cigarettes and I feel really good about that. I will more than like quit by the end of the week

April 14, 2014
             I only had four cigarettes to so far so good

April 15,  2014

            still at four cigarettes I just cannot seem to shake them all the way still at four

April 16, 2014

           Day 9 of my challenge and I still cannot seem to shake this habit I am really disappointed today because I had five cigarettes I am slipping stress does that to me.

April 17, 2014

            I am happy today I only had four cigarettes good job for me.

April 18, 2014

            Well I feel again I had five cigarettes again I will do better tomorrow

April 19, 2014

             Still cannot seem to get lower than four cigarettes but I will continue to work on it.

April 20, 2014

              Same as above nothing new to report.

April 21, 2014

               Slipped up a little bit smoked six not proud of it but it happens.

April 22, 2014

                Got suspended from normal classes. This has me really stressed out so I am coping the only way I know how by smoking more I am sorry to say, but smoking helps me deal with stress, and it is better than listening to the voices

April 23 ,2014

               still having a hard time dealing with being out of school so my smoking has increases I am now back to a pack a day I need to get back in school it was one of the things that kept me sane I need the home work and the class time both to help me quit smoking and to keep me sane.

April 24, 2014

                same as April 23 except that now it is a pack and a half that I am smoking> Get me back in school please for my own good.

April 25, 2014

              Still not going very good still smoking about a pack a day.

April 26, 2014

              The same as  the 25th still not going well.

April 27, 2014

             Well slowing down a little back down to a half pack a day.

April 28, 2014

              Only smoked eight today that's two down from yesterday.

April 29, 2014

              Only  smoked six today doing a little better but not much.

April 30, 2014

                It does not look like I am going to make it in 32 days but I am not going to stop trying

May 1, 2014

               Still holding at six cigarettes a day still not going well.

May 2, 2014
               Well I am a wreck, I just cannot seem to get lower than six cigarettes a day.
I ether go up or I stay at six I never get lower. Well I cannot say never I did get to three per day for a couple of days.

May 3, 2014     

              Back up to ten a day. That's half a pack. I am smoking way to many, but with my best friend and all my other friends smoking around me it is really hard to stop. Like I wrote earlier I will not stop trying to stop smoking even after this thirty-two day commitment is over.

May 4, 2014

           Not as stressed only smoked six that's better that I have been doing.

May 5, 2014
           Holding at six I think CUTTING BACK ON MY SMOKING IS A MORE REALISTIC GOAL. I only smoked six so I think I am doing good if I can stay at six or less a day than I am doing good.

May 6, 2014

          Doing good still at six cigarettes a day.
May 7, 2014
             Well down to three cigarettes do not know if I can get any lower because I smoke to elevate

May 8, 2014

             I still only smoked three so far so good.

May 9, 2014

            Back up to six I do not know if I can quit because I smoke to elevate stress.

May 10, 2014

          I am holding at six cigarettes so far.

May 11, 2014

           I am not doing so hot I am back up to half a pack

May 12, 2014   

           A half of a pack was about normal for me and that is where I am at now I should be able to hold here because this is normal for me.

May 13, 2014

          still  at my normal amount, a half a pack.

May 14, 2014

           Same old thing, still half a pack

May 15, 2014

              Got an appointment with psychiatrist tomorrow so I will talk to him about my stress level and smoking and see  what he has to say about how my quitting smoking may effect my stress level.

May 16, 2014

                Went to see my psychiatrist and he said I was putting to much pressure on myself that I should not try to do so much at one time that the pressures coming form school where probably  more  then enough for me to handle. So he said I should not try to quit smoking at this time.      

Friday, April 4, 2014

  personally I do not think this is a good idea because it invites plagiarism and someone will get sued. I for one cannot afford to get sued. If everyone used this then they would not develop there own writing style everyone would write the same. This in it's self would create problems in that the teacher would think that one person wrote all the papers, and everyone would fail the class, and possibly be expelled.        

Monday, March 31, 2014

                                                                             A Pigeons Tail

                      I see you have a bagel I want the bagel give it to me please? That's all just a piece that wouldn't  even be a taste. What happened where am I hay what is this. If I push this the thing I am in bonces, and I can chase people for a change in stead of them chasing me. What dose this thing do wooo   it  is like pooping straight a I can do it anywhere at any time.  OK hand over that bagel. So I aim these laser guns at the man and he offers me the bagel. I gently land the case and cautiously precede to head toward the man to get my prize when he tried to ambush me so I got back in the box, and aimed a rocket at him. He still tricked me thou by throwing the bagel up in the air he caught me off guard, and smacked me away form the case. What I saw to be my  bagel fell into the case hitting the big bed circle in the center of the case. This action caused a big round bird to erupt for a large pillar in the ground. I saw the case rocket off with the man in tow I am hot on his heels after my bagel.  I hit the man trying to get him to release my bagel but he dose not. I land on the case he aims his guns at me I think oh shit I'm a goner now, but when he hit the trigger  click click  it do not fire. I thought I was lucky but then up pops missile, and I start to kiss my tail feathers good bye. I close my eyes then snap, pop I am not dead I open my eyes to see the bagel falling to the ground. I follow my prize to the ground and preceded to eat it. The man landed a few minutes later we exchanged glances, and went our own why. All of a sudden ow the big bird that the man shot down landed on me. Don't worry I am alright after all I am the Pigeon. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

the sky is so pretty to look at when it has this many different colors that it

boggles the mind. All the different shades of pink, red, blue, gray, and lavender it is one of gods  great gifts to

man and woman. Man and woman have always looked to the  sky in amazement.   

Saturday, March 22, 2014

John Foster
Mrs. Anthony
Eng. 101-113
March 22, 2014
“Something I Cook”

           I like to cook chicken fried hamburgers. To start take a couple of eggs and beat them in a bowl. Then mix flower, seasoning salt, and pepper in another bowl so there are two different batters. Now it’s time to make the hamburger patties. Start by rolling the hamburgers into balls than flatten those balls into a patties. Now it’s time to take the patties and dip them in the eggs, after that put them in the flower mixture, then back in the eggs, and again in the flower. Now let them be for a minute and prep the pan. I use an electric pan and heat it to one hundred and fifty degrees with a little oil in the pan. Put the patties in the pan and let cook for a couple of minutes on each side. While they cook take a little time to cut some tomatoes, onions, and lettuce. By the time the veggies are cut the patties should be done. Now it’s time to make the sandwiches. Making the sandwiches on bread or bun is O.K. Taking the bun put miracle whip on it. Add lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickle if desired. That is how to make chicken fried hamburgers.
          This recipe my friend Dale Jones gave me may sound greasy but it is really quite tasty, but it is

 also quite greasy. On a sandwich with miracle whip, lettuce tomato, pickles and onion it is to die for.

I add even more cholesterol by making onion rings to go with it. Wow grease city. Can you tell my

friend and i like our greasy food? When biting into the sandwich the mouth explodes with the

taste burger and fried chicken blowing ones mind. Just anticipating the flavors that are about to

enter the mouth make the pallet start to water.

          To come up with this idea my friend was cooking chicken fried steak and had some thawed out

hamburger so he thought what if.  So he tried it and that is how his creation came to be. We eat it

at least once every three months and it is different a lot of the time. Sometimes we cook the cheese

into the breading and sometimes I add jalapenos to mine. In closing I would just like to add

do not knock it tell you try it.