Monday, February 17, 2014

                Mental illness is a good deal of the people on disability in the United States of
America, so when I hear that they are talking about cutting social security it really upsets me. So
 think it is prudent for us to talk about the ramifications of the actions of the Politian’s is of the
 up most Importance. We should look at the political, social, and religious aspects.   
                  Politically I don’t agree with policy on Medicare dept. of mental health, FSD, social
Security, disability legislation, with the way politicians are going we will no longer have these
Benefits. With the loss of these benefits there will be a lot more homeless people, and a lot more
 Crime in my opinion anyway. Politically speaking I do not have much to say that is not hear say
Or innuendo. I do not watch the news so whatever I hear comes from other people like friends. So
Some of my views may not need be or even be close to fact. For that matter my ideas may even
be way out there.  
Social people don’t understand mental illness, employers won’t hire or give time to take
medications, doctors – won’t listen to the problems, lawyers see mental illness to be dangerous,
or they just won’t to lock us up. People form the dawn of time have always looked down its noses
at what is different always wanting to lock away or destroy what they do not understand.
Socially speaking those of us with mental illness are viewed as outcast and by some as
Subhuman people.  
Religious I am Christian, Baptist, 10 commandments members of congregation, Bible,
Usher in church when I was an avid member of the church I was an usher and choir singer. The 
church mental illness but do not think it would have made a difference. Church members tend to
 take a spiritual at things; although they are still just people and prone to
their own thoughts.

Monday, February 10, 2014


         i have a haert  just like everone but my haert is specail becuase it has a michian conected to it. By michian i mean a paece maker it regulates my haert beat making it go thomp thomp. I do not know how it workes just that it works. The haert shape is used for many defferent things.

        Ribbons can be used fora lot of things from tying back hair to rapping persents toarts ans crafts you caneven braed it to make a rope out of it  but arts and crafts are the most fun because it is only limited by your imagination  if you can think of a uses for it than you can probibly do it with the ribbon afther all you are only limited by your own imagination

        I picked a stapler why i do not  know well its pink yeh I know  a bet of a girlly color for a man but it was all they had. Its got a spring mechinisim asnd is sping loded about half full with staples a very a simple invention it does not look like it took much thought.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

                                                                                                                                         page 1
John Foster

MS. Anthony

Eng. 101-113

February 17, 2014

                                      " Mental Illness Political, Social, and Religious"

                Mental illness is a good deal of the people on disability in the United States of

America, so when I hear that they are talking about cutting social security it really upsets me. So

 think it is prudent for us to talk about the ramifications of the actions of the Politician’s is of the

 up most Importance. We should look at the political, social, and religious aspects.  
                  Politically I don’t agree with policy on Medicare dept. of mental health, F.S.D., social 

Security, disability legislation, with the way politicians are going we will no longer have these 

Benefits. With the loss of these benefits there will be a lot more homeless people, and a lot more

 Crime in my opinion anyway. Politically speaking I do not have much to say that is not hear say 

Or innuendo. I do not watch the news so whatever I hear comes from other people like friends. So

Some of my views may not need be or even be close to fact. For that matter my ideas may even

be way out there
Social people don’t understand mental illness, employers won’t hire or give time to take 

medications, doctors – won’t listen to the problems, lawyers see mental illness to be dangerous, 

or they just won’t to lock us up. People form the dawn of time have always looked down its noses

at what is different always wanting to lock away or destroy what they do not understand
Socially speaking those of us with mental illness are viewed as outcast and by some as 

Subhuman people.
Religious I am Christian, Baptist, 10 commandments members of congregation, Bible,

Usher in church when I was an avid member of the church I was an usher and choir singer. The
church mental illness but do not think it would have made a difference. Church members tend to

 take a spiritual at things; although they are still just people and prone to 

their own thoughts.