Monday, March 17, 2014


John Foster

Eng. 101-113

Mrs. Anthony

March 17, 2014


“My Dads Trip to Fantastic Caverns”


            My dad tells me that fantastic caverns is an amazing place with a lot of different sights and sounds. He says that it is a dank, dark and cold place. With the sound of dripping water, and the fluttering of bat wings. He also says that it is always pretty cool with awe inspiring sights. Stalagmites coming up from the ground had amazing colors and textures. The stalagtites hung down dripping water and continuing to grow I was told that it takes hundred years to grow an inch. Quartz and other crystals glistened in the light of the tranny. The straw columns were pretty neat they look like straws make out of salt crystals. He told me that he heard a shill scream when he went to check it out he said he found Dolly Parton hanging off a ledge, and that he saved her. This story however I do not believe it. The slat of the roof comes down to where it almost touches one’s head dad said he could fell the most air and the moss from the roof. I would just like to say that my dad’s trip sounded. In closing I would just like to say that fantastic caverns sounds like the place to see.

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